jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014


After an intense presentation of "The Insider" (Ep. I) as part of the G.R.O.U.N.D project in Moscow's Peschanaya Gallery, the Insider, its dance ritual, happened to emerge as we were crossing the Red Square. These movement out into the streets and beyond performing spaces is starting to get strong as I keep crossing the show. 

Coming soon in St. Petersburg and Hamburg:

Apositsion festival. St. Petersburg, Sept. 18th, 8pm.
The InsiderEpisode I: Dance of the Unreadable

Centro Adelante  St. Petersburg, Sept. 22nd, 7:30pm.
El poema protesta: de Lorca al rap actual en español (talk/workshop)

Sept 25th-28Hamburg:

The Art of Being Many (an assembly of assemblies)
“Sounds, Systems and Voices” group.

I am bringing some proposals  to the group I am part of: "Sounds, Systems and Voices." The three experiments I am proposing (Transform, A Graffiti of Voices, Twist&Shout) explore the notion of collective voice and its creative potential in political settings. They will be discussed and tried among an audience of some 400 people: http://www.grownewears.com/the-art-of-being-many.html
Best from St. Petersburg!

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